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  • Writer's pictureriley venable


Today I am going to share a little about mental health & how I stay on top of mine with a rambunctious toddler. As a teenager no one talked about mental illnesses, if they did they were labeled "crazy" or "attention seeking". It wasn't until after I had Everly did I even realize I had any problems in that area, I was scared to talk about it. I am one to usually hide my feelings anyways but man, I didn't know what to do or what was wrong. I needed help.

Coming home from the hospital was stressful all on its own, we were new parents & had no freaking clue what we were doing, then I got hit with the "baby blues" HARD. Thank God for my amazing husband, he stepped up & did just about everything. I had ZERO motivation, I cried all the time, I didn't even want to hold my newborn baby girl, & that's when I knew something was wrong. It took me a long long ass time to figure out what worked for me, and honestly just getting ready in the morning helped.

It is still a struggle to this day for me, I have to sometimes force myself to get out of the house, even if its just a walk around the neighborhood.

Now that Everly is almost two... THE TANTRUMS. Don't get me wrong she is the sweetest little turd head ever, but man she can scream. ANYWAYS.. It has been hard to find time for me, time to collect myself & my thoughts. BUT I make the time, even if it is just during nap time to paint my nails. It is the little things I do for myself that help the most. On days I'm feeling a little down, or need a good pick me up I'll get a sitter & go wild. I WILL RUN ERRANDS. My favorite thing I do for myself is spend a bunch of money on things I don't need at Marshalls or Ross ( sorry babe ) REALLY, who knew strolling the aisles of your fave store could be so therapeutic?! or maybe its being alone without a toddler throwing toys at you.

Either way, find what works for you & make the time to do it.

Here are some different things you can do to improve your mental health: +personal development - books or podcasts

+being active - exercise, go on a walk, dance

+self care - bubble baths, shopping, manicures

+set goals - work towards a certain goal

+do something you love - cook, dance, take a class

Mental illnesses are COMMON. No one talking about it is not okay. How the hell are people supposed to get the help the need if "mental illness" is a dirty word?! Stay informed & reduce the stigma guys.

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