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  • Writer's pictureriley venable


July 28th, 2017. My due date had come & gone. I was swollen, fat, hungry, & my thighs were chaffing anytime I moved. I WAS OVER IT.

I was sure she was never coming. July 31st was for sure the HOTTEST day ever in Georgia. I had a non stress test that morning, just to check everything out

(because those psychos weren't going to induce me unit 41 weeks!!)

Baby Evs heart rate was HIGH, so they had me drink a butt ton of water to see if that would help it go down.

After what felt like a gallon & a half they walked us ( me & my bff abbey) to labor & delivery. They didn't really fill us in until we got in the delivery room that " hey lady you about to have a baby". THE PANIC SET IN. I WAS NOT READY. Blayke came to the hospital from work, called all the family to see if they could make it last minuet. I changed into a breezy butt robe, & the nurse came to put my IV in to start the induction.

I have had a lot of ivs but that sucker hurt like a M O T H E R - F U C K E R.

I was going back & forth to the bathroom every 5 minuets it felt like

& yelling "abbey don't look at my butt" every time. My OB came & checked Evs out along with all the other doctors on the floor. At this time both our heart rates were a little high for their liking. I was still being monitored but not dilating AT ALL. Blayke & Abbey went home to check on the pups & get our hospital bags. They came back & got everything we needed.. except my hospital bag. Once they were back it was time for the pitocin, which started all the contractions. The doctor also broke my water with what looked like a knitting needle, & it was on. I slept for hours it felt like. I remember waking up in the middle of the night..

I was so scared, but I wanted to be strong so I hid it in front of Abbey.

When she went home to sleep, I remember crying to Blayke, telling him just wanted to go home.

EAARRLY in the morning I started to really feel the contractions. I wanted all the drugs. I was nervous about the epidural, a long ass thing going into your spine.. fuuck that. It ended up not being as bad as I thought, Blayke was there holding onto me. A few hours later it WORE OFF.

The anesthesiologist came back & did another one. I was feeling okay, very out of it. I don't remember a lot of what happened. I knew I was scared, & that I was hungry. I don't remember when they gave me oxygen, or why. (army doctors didn't explain anything to me) I knew our heart rates were very high & they discussed an emergency c-section. Mid afternoon on August 1st, they sat me up in the bed & didn't check on me for awhile. Finally I only knew one thing, & that was I HAD TO POOP. As people with babies/nurses/doctors know, that means IT'S BABY TIME. In my mind I was like "no thanks, just take me to the bathroom" but it was baby time. (My SECOND epidural had also worn off by this time, & it was too late for another.) All the doctors were in the room, getting prepped, getting me situated in the bed. At this time, I made Abbey leave. My large white ass was enough for her to see. She prayed over me. It calmed me down a lot. Then it was time to push.

The first few pushes were okay, hurt like a bitch but I could handle it. Then, she was REALLY coming. I was not ready for that pain. The nurses & doctors were talking to me, trying to calm me down. I remember one asking "if I wanted to see her head come out" UH FUCK NO. GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME. No one tells you about when you're getting close, this thing called the ring of fire. After a lot of crying, cussing, & yelling at Blayke because he wasn't holding my leg enough, she was here. They just plopped her onto my stomach.

She was beautiful, covered in what looked like chunky mayo, but still beautiful. Now she is 22 months old & still beautiful.

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