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  • Writer's pictureriley venable


It is HOT here in El Paso, schools out, windows down, & summer is coming. When I think of summer, I think of late nights driving with the windows down blaring ALL the country music. Of course, I have a little mix of pop in there to add variety. I listen to my country just like I listen to my upbeat pop, LOUD AS HELL. (mostly so I can't hear myself sing but still) I am 100% the girl you see jammin' at the stoplight, usually to the Trolls soundtrack, because mom life.

BUT, when I get a moment to myself I am country through & through. From George Strait to Thomas Rhett. I love just about all of it. Right now, lets talk about my beginning of summer playlist. These are songs you can blare loudly, or have on in the background on a Sunday. Most of these songs come along with memories for me (which is why they're my faves!) Some may make you feel like a boss bitch & some may make you want to tell someone you love them, either way turn these songs all the way up & sing like crazy.

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