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  • Writer's pictureriley venable


I shared a poll in my insta story & 10 facts about me is what y'all wanted :)

hope it is real interesting for ya.

1. I was a HUGE tomboy growing up. I wore a chain attached to my jeans. I pretended I was a skater girl, but just carried it around to look cool... which it didn't. There is picture proof, but that will hopefully never surface.

2. Friends is my all time favorite show. ever. I have watched all the seasons over 10 times. I would choose it over starting something new, & Everly know when to clap in the theme song.

3. I cannot wear socks with my shoes. I HATE SOCKS. I only wear them when it's freezing cold outside. My shoes may smell but I don't care.

4. I mix my macaroni & mashed potatoes together. Boston Market is the best to mix, but it all works the same. SO FREAKING GOOD.

5. I don't have my ears pierced. I have had it done 9825398738 times before but they ALWAYS get infected. No matter how much I clean them. My poor mom has pulled those stupid Claire's stud out of my ears so many times.

6. I am DEATHLY afraid of needles. I have passed out / almost passed out (& puked) multiple times getting blood drawn. I have to do the most & lay back, not look, & squeeze Blaykes hand. (and no tattoo needled ARE NOT the same)

7. I have 4 tattoo. 2 mean nothing & the other two are for family members who have passed away. My favorite one is the quote on my forearm. "be good to each other" my uncle said it before he passed in 2016. I want more.

8. I am a PLANNER. I plan ahead like crazy, I will think of all the possible things that can happen, & plan accordingly. It will keep me up at night.

9. I have major driving anxiety. We were in a wreck in December & now I have panic attacks when driving around a bunch of other cars or long distances. But I'm working on it.

10. I am a homebody. I will always choose to be at home over going out. I love being around all my own stuff & not having to socialize.

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