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  • Writer's pictureriley venable


Dear Everly Grace,

I love you, more than you will ever, ever know. You are already so smart, you make me laugh everyday, you are the toughest little tomboy, & you make me so proud.

I will never force you to put effort into things that do not make you your happiest self. I won't make you respect someone who disrespects you. I will always teach you to know your worth.. then add tax. You are the most perfect little girl & if someone doesn't see that they aren't supposed to be in your life. Stay close to people who make you feel like sunshine baby girl.

I am so excited to watch you grow, to do everything for the first time. To find what you love, to find what you are passionate about, & to make amazing friends along the way. I can't wait to watch you kick the winning goal, to crush that pirouette, or to hit the high note in your solo... (don't get your hopes up on that one, daddy & I can't sing)

I can't wait to take you to your first sleep over, to rush you to practice, to be that mom to embarrass you at the school drop off (probably with some old school Justin Bieber if you want to prepare yourself now)

I will always be there to catch you when you fall, I will be there when you need help but can't admit it. I will never make you feel like you can't call me when you're in trouble, I will never ever make you feel less than. I may ground you forever, I may make you do chores for the rest of your life, but I will always let you have a voice.

I am not ready for your first heartbreak, I am not ready for you to break a bone, or when mean girls come into the picture. You are strong, that much I know, but also know that you will not have to face anything alone.. EVER

Life can get pretty hard & sometimes you can feel like you're all alone, in those times remember I am here for you. I know it's not super cool to be bffs with your mom, but get over it.

One day you will find the love of your life, he/she will become your other half, your best friend, & the person you trust with all your secrets. Daddy & I will do our best to show you what love is supposed to be. We will do our best to not sugar coat things & to help you though anything we can. Love is tricky, you may find the one at 13 like us, or you won't find them until you're 30. Just know your worth little one, & never settle for less than you deserve (daddy will make sure of that)

For now, I promise to make you feel loved everyday. To watch trolls with you on a loop.

To share my snacks. To let you be a big girl. To make you laugh everyday.



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